1. How can I apply for this course?
To apply, please visit the summer school website https://friendship-edu.info/ and there you’ll see all the ongoing available courses. Upon clicking on the register button, you can apply for the courses you wish to.

2. What are the eligibility criteria to apply for this course?
We recommend minimum graduation degree from any discipline, but preferably in social sciences background. Nevertheless, any other development professional from national and international NGOs can also apply as well.

3. Can I apply for this course if I graduate from other disciplines except Development Studies?
Yes, you can.

4. Do you offer courses only on weekends? 
Yes. Currently we are offering certificate courses for young and early grade professionals only. Considering their full-time job and office commitments, we are focusing on weekends.

5. Do we need to submit any academic certificates/documents along with the application form? 
Yes, you need to submit all your academic transcripts and/or certificates along with the application form.

6. Does this course free or paid?
Course is mainly free. However, they will pay Tk 5000 as a part payment of their field trip.

7. Does this is an online or in-person course?
It’s a blended course. The majority of the classes will be held in person, but very few of them will be conducted online.

8. Is it mandatory to take part in the field visit to avail of the certificate?
Yes, the field visit is mandatory to obtain the certificate.

9. Do you encourage/ prefer Persons with Disabilities or other minority groups to enroll in the course?
Yes, we encourage Persons with Disabilities and other minority groups to apply.